The word sacrament means “a sign of the sacred.” God uses sacraments to show His grace and help us achieve salvation. We celebrate the sacraments as a continued journey and relationship with God.
The seven sacraments are divided into three categories:
Sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Sacraments of healing: Reconciliation and anointing of the sick
Sacraments of service: Marriage and Holy Orders
The grid below presents information about six of the sacraments available through Saint Dennis, along with pathways to the sacraments through RCIA and RCIC. The sacrament of holy orders must be pursued through the Diocese.
Baptism is one of the greatest gifts that Christ has given us, and one of the greatest gifts that parents can give to their children. Through Baptism, a person is united to the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; or, to put it another way, what Jesus did for us by dying and rising is applied to the person baptized.
When someone is baptized, the risen life of the Lord Jesus begins to live in that person’s soul. This person begins the adventure of the Christian life, in which he or she is called to become like Jesus Himself. It is our union with the Lord Jesus, which begins with Baptism, which gives us the hope of heaven.
Baptism then is far more than a "naming ceremony" or even just a blessing for a new child. It should be the highest priority of every Christian parent to see that children are baptized very early in their lives. Because of the importance of Baptism, this Sacrament is approached with great reverence and care in the Church.
Please contact Carol Jacques to schedule a baptism or Baptismal Preparation Class (we encourage your class attendance prior to the birth of your child).
Communal celebrations are scheduled several times during the seasons of Advent and Lent. First Reconciliation takes place in Second Grade (or when child has reached the age of 7). Students are prepared and encouraged to receive their First Reconciliation in November.
8:30 – 9:00 am
Half hour before Mass:
Saturdays: 4:00 pm
Sundays: 9:00 am & 10:45 am
Or, set up an appointment
Contact Lisa Harms
Contact Carol Jacques
Individual celebrations can be arranged by contacting the Parish office at 608-246-5124.